

 previous word

 next word

TTS voice output of current vocable

 mark word for custom selection (Settings -> Test Set -> Marked Entries)

show only vocable info without drawing pad

 edit Note & Translation & Settings

chose writing practice chose which wordform/reading you want to use for writing practice (by clicking on it)

 clear what you’ve just drawn

 next character (if the word contains more than one character)

 previous character (if the word contains more than one character)

 switch between system font, handwriting font and not displaying the character in the background of the drawing pad

pasted-graphic shows the average success rate of the lastMeaning Tests, Reading Tests, Recognition & Audio Tests (visible when you you press the i-Button)

add/edit Note to help you remember this vocable

 edit Translation of the current vocable

 Size of Drawing Pad:
Large: drawing pad fits 1 character
Medium: drawing pad fits 2 character
Small: drawing pad fits 4 character (only on iPad)

infos on practice page which Infos are displayed by default on the practice page

auto forward if activated switches automatically to the next Character after you’ve drawn it X times

 chose whether you want to repeat the individual character or the complete word

random order activate random order of vocables in Practice

audio auto play automatic Audio output of current vocable in Practice